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英语说说:I go now, for you said you like me once

来源:说说心情 时间:2019-02-04 点击: 推荐访问:how you like me now


1.I go now, for you said you like me once我为你走到如今,你却说喜欢我的曾经。

英语说说:I go now, for you said you like me once

2.To the time to life, rather than to life in time to the time to life, rather than to life in time.给时光以生命,而不是给生命以时光。

英语说说:I go now, for you said you like me once

​3.Life had a lot of things is futile, but we still want to experience.人生本来有很多事是徒劳无功的,但我们还是依然要经历。

英语说说:I go now, for you said you like me once

4.Good relationships don't just happen.They take time,patience and two people who truly want to be together.好的恋情不是偶然,它需要时间,耐心,和两个真正想在一起的人。

英语说说:I go now, for you said you like me once

5.Some things, you hide it in my heart, perhaps better, so a long time, becomes the story...有些事,你把它藏在心里,也许还更好,等时间长了,也就变成了故事。

英语说说:I go now, for you said you like me once

6.As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白,唯一后悔的只是那些自己不曾尝试的事。

英语说说:I go now, for you said you like me once

7.Stop thinking too much, it's alright not to know all the answers. 别想太多,很多事情你不知道答案也没什么。



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