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来源:儿童节短信 时间:2018-11-10 点击: 推荐访问:




第一句:Kodomo no hi or Japanese Children"s Day is a festival originally for boys but which has been renamed for both sexes that is on the fifth day of the fifth month each year is a public holiday and a day when the sky is crowded with carp kites strung from bamboo flagpoles or from the rooftops.
第二句:Otherwise known as "Sobu no Sekku" (Iris Festival) or "Tango no Sekku" (May 5th Festival),Children"s Day is in fact actually a festival which celebrates the future success and health of sons although it has allegedly been adapted in more recent years to incorporate girls as well since the Girls" Festival in March is not a public holiday.
第三句:One of the alternative names,the Iris Festival was taken from the 12th century belief that the long,sharp leaves of the iris are swordlike so,placing iris leaves in a boy"s bath is supposed to make him more martial.
第四句:One of the alternative names,the Iris Festival was taken from the 12th century belief that the long,sharp leaves of the iris are swordlike so,placing iris leaves in a boy"s bath is supposed to make him more martial.This meant that he would grow and develop with courage and strength.
第五句:This is only one of the many symbols surrounding this day,most of which have to do with strength and health and success.【iris剧情介绍】


单是我知道的就有好几种,像 艾莉丝,伊利斯,艾瑞丝.

艾里斯(女子名) iris,蝴蝶花 也可表示颜色 iris,彩虹色


我需要一句英文的广告词 要4个单词 开头分别是 i r i s 是介绍冰激凌(雪糕)的广告词

ice-cream relish imagine silk


Hello everybody.I’m very glad that I can show myself to you.
I’m a lively girl .Call me Iris.This year I’ll become 13.My favorite color is black.I think it is mystery.So I like wolves.They are a little unpredictable.I like sweet too,like:candies,ice cream……
I’m a student in Middle school now.In the three years of future,I’ll study hard,try my best!If you want deep understand me,We can make friends!



加勒比海盗1 加勒比海盗1、2、3 加勒比海盗1影评,急
剧情介绍 故事发生在传说中海盗最活跃的加勒比海(Caribbean Sea).这片神秘的海域位于北美洲东南部,那里碧海蓝天,阳光明媚,海面水晶般清澈.17世纪的时候,这里更是欧洲大陆的商旅舰队到达美洲的必经之地,所以,当时的海盗活动非常猖獗,不仅攻击过往商人,甚至包括英国皇家舰队.

可以说影片的拍摄过程是打破常规的,因为在剧本完成前,剧组就开始设计和搭建布景,并着手物色合适的外景地.导演维宾斯基已经提前制作出了情节串连图板,并和制作设计师布莱恩·莫里斯(Brian Morris)及几位编剧一道交换想法.维宾斯基找来之前与他合作《危险情人》的摄影师达瑞兹·沃斯基(Dariusz Wolski)为本片掌镜.对沃斯基来说,海上外景的拍摄是富有挑战的,因为在陆地上,白天的外景可以根据光线做出调整,而在海上,船只只会朝着一个方向航行,由此为取景角度造成了不小的局限.在莫里斯揣摩那个年代的绘画作品以获取设计来源的同时,维宾斯基和沃斯基也在研读大量早期的海盗和一些探险题材的经典影片,希望从中有所借鉴.片中最重要的布景是巴伯萨藏匿财宝的洞穴,在迪斯尼电影公司最大的2号摄影棚搭建,1997年同样由布鲁克海默制作的《绝世天劫》也曾在此拍摄,后来该摄影棚被扩建,非常适合打造洞穴中错综复杂的水道和怪石嶙峋的地势.制片方雇用了100名工匠耗费了5个月时间才搭建成这个布景,注水30万加仑用去了3、4天时间,最后的装修又花费了3周.片中的“无畏”号是根据当年英军舰队中常胜战船“胜利”号建造的,在长岛码头中的一艘浮式驳船上打造完成,雇用了150名工匠,花费了三个半月的时间,船身长170英尺,宽34英尺,使用了近4万磅钢材和1千平方英尺帆布.片中“黑珍珠”号耗时三个月建成,有关的场景一部分在摄影棚拍摄,一部分在水上由拖船拖带完成.剧组于2002年11月赴洛衫矶的圣佩德罗港拍摄,其中部分激烈的海战场景在南湾的摄影棚中拍摄,后来的一些则在加勒比海上完成.在整个拍摄过程中,对两位主演约翰尼·德普和凯拉·奈特利的最大挑战莫过于在"黑珍珠"号伸出甲板的窄木板上的拍摄,木板距海面15英尺高,两位演员在上面站了将近三天,没使用替身,没有任何保护设施.凯拉·奈特利回忆说:“那个木板只有跳水板大小,站在上面只有风声水声,稍有动作就会上下颤动,我被吓呆了.”这位勇敢的女演员最终还是战胜了恐惧,亲自完成了包括跳海在内的所有惊险镜头.【iris剧情介绍】


剧情简介 在英文里怎么说

Plot Summary


talk about the film-------先介绍剧情,然后写自己的观点

Brave Heart is part of a historical film,part of a hero legend,part of romantic and part of nationalistic.It is about the story of William Wallace,a poor but free Scottish man,in 1280 AD.The sons and daughters of Scotland suffer lot under England’s cruel ruling.For his wife and families,Wallace revenges to fight back with his fellows against the English soldiers.They win more and more battles while Scottish nobles make more and more concessions under England’s bribery.Finally Wallace is betrayed by the nobles and sentenced to be hanged to death as a traitor.
This film is narrated according to William Wallace’s growing process.We can see it from the perspective of how a hero comes out.As a young lad in a farmer leader’s family,Wallace is brave to fight ever since then.He sees hanged Scottish people in a hutch under England’s trick.He sees his father’s death because of war.The young heart is shocked by the cruelty of life.Taken away from his village by his uncle,he is well educated.Different from other battle leaders in that time among farmers,he is not only excellent in strength,but also in wisdom and skills.He plans to settle down in the village have a family and a peaceful life.However,the raising part comes when his secret wife Murron killed by the English’s rule and the revival of his rebellious heart.He wins several battles and his team moves towards England and becomes a threaten to the tyranny Edward the Longshanks.His followers in creased by tens,hundreds,and groups.The turning point is in a great battle with England who gets the aid from Ireland,France and nobles in Scotland.Wallace is defeated in this battle seriously,but not because of his strategy in war,or small number of people but the betrayal of his own people,the nobles.They totally ignore his plan just for some estates,some material stuff.This failure implies not only a loss in Wallace,but the hierarchy difference and the inevitable tragic consequences.After this point,Wallace is trapped by Scottish nobles and the Englishmen.He refuses to beg for mercy and trials as a traitor of his country.The climax is in the dying moment of Wallace.He is hanged,racked,stabbed,but there is no cry of mercy from his mouth,and there is no sadness of regret from his eye.His last word “freedom” stuns the audience,shocks his enemies,frightens his traitors and inspires his followers to fight for the freedom of Scotland.The life of William Wallace is much more convincing than a history book,more touching than a heroic song,more solemn and stirring than the battle itself.
The relationship between the characters in this film is very amazing.The most important one is among Wallace,Murron,and the princess.In the funeral of Wallace’s father,Murron as a young girl gives Wallace a little purple flower to comfort him.Years later,Wallace comes back home and after his first ride with Murron,he gives that same dry little purple flower back to Murron.He cherishes the friendship for all these years.His marriage swear is “I’ll love you my whole life.You and no other.” Indeed his whole life changes because of the love to Murron,and Murron’s figure hangs his brain through all the time.The princess’ marriage is totally a political one between France and England.The English prince is lack the ability to love others.Instead the princess is amazed to hear the love story of Wallace and his wife.In Wallace’s eye he sees Murron on the princess because they are the same brave in heart.That can explain the development in their relationship later.The relation between Wallace,Longshank and old Bruce represents the relation of the uprising farmers,England and Scotland’s ruling class.They are arranged to die at the same time.Wallace in the street under the sun,while the other two in dark rooms.They struggle to live for different purposes,but death falls in them equally.That proves Wallace’s speech about death before a battle.
Freedom is the everlasting theme in this film.From the beginning scene we can see the whole picture and implicature.The water roars.The high land is so great.The fog clears up little by little and the pastoral scenery in Scotland is so charming.Everything is in its natural way,free to come and free to go.His father’s will is “Your heart is free to have the courage to follow you.” Wallace thinks the reason for the existence of noble’s position is “to provide those people with freedom”.He does everything for freedom,the freedom of himself,his family,his followers and his compatriots.Every battle he is in and every faith he holds prove the theme freedom.And the title Brave Heart results in freedom.Dare to dream and dare to do.The film closes the distance between ideal and reality in life.



An alien botanist stranded on Earth is found by 10-year-old Elliot (Henry Thomas),who,along with his older brother Michael (Robert MacNaughton) and his younger sister Gertie (Drew Barrymore),teach him to communicate and help him build a device to contact his people to bring him home.When ET becomes sick,a medical facility is set up in Elliot"s home as scientists try to study ET.The scientists find remarkable evidence indicating linked brain activity between Elliot and ET.
ET,who had previously been sick after trying to contact his species outside and catching pneumonia (or some pneumonia-like illness),miraculously recovers.Elliot helps him escape the government facility where he is being kept,and the two finally reach the aliens,who have returned after receiving ET"s message.Elliot knows he must stay on Earth and cannot go with ET.



Jealous of the attention Troy and Gabriella"s newfound talents have received; Ryan and Sharpay set out to restore the "natural balance" of life.Their plan:break up Troy and Gabriella,so they will not want to be in the spotlight.In an attempt to break the two up,Sharpay fakes drowning at the pool,which means that lifeguard Troy has to give her mouth to mouth.At the same time,Ryan makes Gabriella think that Troy is cheating on her with Sharpay.There will be a completion at a Country Club.Will Troy and Gabriella end up back together and sing at the completion or will Sharpay and Troy be feeling the start of something new?





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