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小清新的英文说说:Love doesn't walk away, people do.

来源:说说心情 时间:2018-12-23 点击: 推荐访问:don t walk away


1. Sometimes love is not enough when the road gets tough.


小清新的英文说说:Love doesn

 2. The best kind of feelings in life are the ones you can't explain.


 3. Sometimes the right person for you was there all along.

 You just didn't see it because the wrong one was blocking the sight.



 4. You are the only one who drives me mental and keeps me sane.


 5. Positive emotions not only contribute to our success,

 they don't just contribute to our feeling good; they also contribute to our wellbeing.


 6. Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.


 7. I have this weird self esteem problem where I hate myself yet,I still think I'm better than everyone.


 8. I have a special breakfast for you today,a glass of care, a plate of happiness, a spoon of peace, a fork of trust and a bowl of prayer.


 9. Sometimes you need to look back,otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.


 10. No matter where you go in life, there's always gonna be the one person that wants to bring you down,so stay strong and face your problems,instead of running away.


 11. Love doesn't walk away, people do.




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