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来源:英语名言 时间:2018-10-24 点击: 推荐访问:地理英文 政治英文




One summer,cao cao led troops to crusade against zhang embroidery,was hot,scorching sun,the sky a cloud also have no,troops in the winding mountain path to walk,on both sides of the thick forest and the hot rocks the sun,let a person to breathe.By noon the soldiers clothes are wet through,the speed of the marching slowed down,there are several individual weak soldiers unable to breathe.Cao cao see the marching speed more and more slow,worry about delay aircraft,the in the mind is very anxious.But,single sip of water can not drink,how can speed up?He immediately called the guide and asked him:"is there any water nearby?The wizard shake to say:"spring in the side of the valley,to bypass the past and a long way." Cao cao thought for a while and said,"no,time too late." He took a glance at the woods,and thought for a moment and said to the guide:"you don"t say anything,I"ll find a way out." He knew that now even if ordering his troops to speed up the speed also of no help.Brains on turn,the way to,he a clip horse belly,fast arrive to the front of the queue,pointing to curb ahead with said:"soldiers,I know there is a large merlin front,where the plum is big and good,and we hurry up ahead,around the hill went to merlin!" The soldiers,listen and seemed to eat into his mouth,spirits,and to help speed up the pace of the many.



  日尔曼人入侵后,统治了当地的凯尔特语民族,本地语言主要于苏格兰、威尔士、康瓦耳与爱尔兰存活了下来.这些入侵者的语言逐渐形成了“古英语”,与近代弗里西语极为相像.English(英格兰人、英语)、England(英格兰)和East Anglia(东盎格利亚)这三个词是分别从描绘盎格鲁族的词汇发展而来:Englisc、 Angelcynn、Englaland.
  公元九世纪,斯堪的纳维亚人大规模侵入英国北部.九世纪末,入侵者几乎占领了整个英国的东半部.斯堪的纳维亚人说的是北日尔曼语.北日尔曼语和西日尔曼语的差别不是很悬殊.斯堪的纳维亚人入侵的结果使大量斯堪的纳维亚语(以古诺斯语Old Norse为代表)的词汇进入了古英语的词汇.古诺斯语和古英语有很多同义词汇,结果古诺斯语词在英语词汇里往往取古英语词而代之.
  (1)诺森伯里亚方言——洪伯河(the Humber)以北的方言;
  三、现代英语(Modern English,Mod E.)时期——公元1500年至今;
  (1)早期现代英语时期Early ModernEnglish period——公元1500年至1700年;
  (2)后期现代英语时期LateModernEnglish period——公元1700年至当前.



I Like History Lesson
The lesson I like most is history, because the historical stories are interesting. When I was a
little child, my grandparents often told me the great events in history. In the middle school,
we have history lesson. Some of my classmates think that history is uninteresting. And there are
many things to remember, which is hard for them. However, I have different opinions. If you are
interested in it, you will find it would be much easier. I like the ancient history of our
country most. Our country has a long history, so there are many interesting stories. In
addition, my history teacher is funny and knowledgeable. He always makes the lesson vivid and
interesting. I like his lesson very much.



英语发展史可以追溯到公元前500年左右.在大不列颠岛(Great Britain)上史料记载的最早的语言是公元前500年左右的凯尔特语(Celtic).公元前55年,罗马人入侵大不列颠,并一直占领了大约500多年,拉丁语进入了该地区,并成为官方语言,凯尔特语的地位下降.约公元449年,居住于丹麦与德国北部的3个日耳曼人部族趁罗马帝国衰落入侵到大不列颠岛上.他们分别是盎格鲁人(Angles,入侵日德兰半岛中部)、萨克逊人(Saxons,入侵日德兰半岛南部)和朱特人(Jutes,入侵日德兰半岛北部).在语言上,他们取代了当时该地所使用的凯尔特语.这三个日耳曼部族方言随着社会发展,逐渐融合为一种新的语言,即盎格鲁一萨克逊语(Anglo-Saxon),这就是后来形成的英语的基础.到公元700年,人们把大不列颠岛上三部族混合形成的语言称为Englisc.到公元1000年,岛上整个国家被称作Englaland.这两个词后来就演变成English(英语)和England(英格兰或英国)这就是English和England两个词的历史由来.
目前在英国以外,把英语作为第一语言(即母语,Native language)的国家有爱尔兰(Ireland)、美国(America)、澳大利亚(Australia)、新西兰(New Zealand)、圭亚那(Guyana)、巴哈马(The Bahamas)、巴巴多斯(Barbados)、百慕大(Bermuda)、牙买加(Jamaica)、圣克里斯多福及尼维斯(Saint Christopher and Nevis)、特立尼达和多巴哥(Trinidad and Tobago),在加拿大(Canada)大部分人说英语;把英语作为官方语言的国家有尼日利亚、加纳、肯尼亚、乌干达、坦桑尼亚、赞比亚、津巴布韦、南非、新加坡、印度、菲律宾等国;作为第二语言的有丹麦、芬兰、瑞典、挪威、冰岛等国.英语逐渐发展成为一种世界语言,在外交上的地位也取代了法语,成为今天世界政治、经济、科技、文化交流最重要的语言.虽然以英语为母语的国家有前面列举的好几个,但我们还是推荐找外教以美国、加拿大、英国为主.


西方历史 英文翻译

history of the West(大写)
history of the Western World
history of the Westworld
history of the Western nations/countries
更专业的,Hesperian history
或:occidental history,occidental与oriental(东方)相对





The history of China /World【历史英文】



A brief chronology of English
55 BC Roman invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar.Local inhabitants speak Celtish
AD 43 Roman invasion and occupation.Beginning of Roman rule of Britain.
436 Roman withdrawal from Britain complete.
449 Settlement of Britain by Germanic invaders begins
450-480 Earliest known Old English inscriptions.Old English
1066 William the Conqueror,Duke of Normandy,invades and conquers England.
c1150 Earliest surviving manuscripts in Middle English.Middle English
1348 English replaces Latin as the language of instruction in most schools.
1362 English replaces French as the language of law.English is used in Parliament for the first time.
c1388 Chaucer starts writing The Canterbury Tales.
c1400 The Great Vowel Shift begins.
1476 William Caxton establishes the first English printing press.Early Modern English
1564 Shakespeare is born.
1604 Table Alphabeticall,the first English dictionary,is published.
1607 The first permanent English settlement in the New World (Jamestown) is established.
1616 Shakespeare dies.
1623 Shakespeare"s First Folio is published
1702 The first daily English-language newspaper,The Daily Courant,is published in London.
1755 Samuel Johnson publishes his English dictionary.
1776 Thomas Jefferson writes the American Declaration of Independence.
1782 Britain abandons its colonies in what is later to become the USA.
1828 Webster publishes his American English dictionary.Late Modern English
1922 The British Broadcasting Corporation is founded.
1928 The Oxford English Dictionary is published.



A Brief History of US Presidents
There have been many Presidents of the United States since the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776,but few people realize that the Presidential history also includes a series of Presidents who lead the Colonies long before the United States was founded as a free nation.Even though the colonies were controlled by King George III,the Congress which governed the colonies under the King was lead by a President.By the time July 2,1776 rolled around and the Declaration of Independence was signed,the colonies had already had two Presidents,Peyton Randolph and Henry Middleton.John Hancock was President during the year the United States declared our Independence from Britain.
John Hancock,the First President of the United States
John Hancock was,for all intents and purposes,the first President of the confederacy from 1776 through 1781.John Hancock was one of the first true patriots who led the fight for independence from the crown.It is for good reason that his signature comes first on the Declaration of Independence.He led the revolution in Boston and fought against the crown ahead of all other patriots.King George wanted John"s head from the very moment the Declaration was delivered to the King.Once the revolution was won,all members of the new congress finally signed their names to the Declaration of Independence in 1771,and all 13 states ratified the new Confederacy in 1781.
George Washington,a General and a Patriot
Once Lord Cornwallis surrendered in 1781,Thomas McKean became the elected President of Congress.From 1781 through 1789,Presidents John Hanson,Elias Boudinot,Thomas Mifflin,Richard Lee,John Hancock,Nathaniel Gorham,Arthur St.Clair,and Cyrus Griffin,all served terms.Finally,George Washington was elected in 1789.By all accounts,George Washington was the certainly the first President who brought the States together as a united country.
George Washington"s life leading up to his presidency was interesting.He impressed people around him,not with great speaking ability or charisma,but with his good sense and patriotic views.He started his military career as a young man on the Frontier.He fought with French soldiers at the start of the French and Indian War.After bravely leading the British to safety after a battle in Virginia,Washington was promoted to command Virginia"s military.After winning various battles and bringing peace to Ohio,at twenty-seven years old,he married Martha Dandridge Custis,and retired to a plantation on Mount Vernon.After farming for a number of years,in 1775 when he went from serving in the Continental Congress to once again commanding an army,but this time it was the Continental Army against the British in Boston.
After a number of crushing defeats before Washington"s troops crossed the Delaware,Washington turned his troops around on Christmas night of 1776,in one of the greatest military operations in American history.On that night,Washington"s troops crossed back over the Delaware and overpowered the garrison at Trenton,and subsequently overtook the garrison at Princeton as well.After gaining Cornwallis" surrender in Yorktown,the Revolutionary war was won.Once again,Washington retired to his plantation on Mount Vernon.
The First "United States" President
Washington watched public affairs with dismay,as the union was weakened with debts from the war,inability to collect revenue,and overall impotence of the Confederation Congress.Washington wrote to James Madison that Congress needed a powerful Constitution.In 1787,Washington went to Philadelphia to attend the convention set up to modify the Articles of Confederation.After the Constitution was approved,the first presidential election was held,and despite his desire to retire once again to Mount Vernon,he received a vote from every single voter.George Washington remains the only president in U.S.history who has been voted for president unanimously by the people.



It has a history of 60 years.
It can be traced back to 60 years ago.





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