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来源:英语名言 时间:2018-11-12 点击: 推荐访问:



请个英语高手帮我做下文章概括 用英语概括的 180字以内
Travel and holiday experts say ecotourism is the fastest growing part of the holiday vacation industry.It is possible to visit almost any country to learn about the culture,history,food,plants,animals or anything else that might interest you.You can learn about and watch whales in the American states of Maine and Hawaii,and in Mexico.
You can visit a natural protected area in Costa Rica,one of the top ecotourism countries in the world.You can travel to the huge national parks in several African countries to see and photograph lions,elephants,and other wild animals.
You can swim deep under water to experience this beautiful world if you learn how to use special breathing equipment.Companies offer underwater exploration trips in Australia,Mexico,several islands in the Caribbean,the Mediterranean and many other places.
Tourism,the travel and holiday industry,provides huge amounts of money to the economies of many nations.So ecotourism has become extremely important.And official in the travel industry say ecotourism works create.improve and protect holiday areas that people will want to visit.
Ecotourism also teaches the people who live areas that tourists may want to visit and enjoy.Governmentagencies use ecotourism methods to teach these people how to develop these areas for visitors.The people learn to protect the natural enviroment so that they remain popular places to visit.
An example of this kind of protection is our whale-watching trip in Bar Harbor,Maine.The boats do not come too close to the large animals.
Crewmembers on the boats warn passengers not to throw anything in the water.The boat companies work to protect the whales.They want the whales to return to the area and feel safe there.
Most professionals in the travel business learn very quickly that the environment must be protected if an area is to remain popular.
Some environmental scientists have strongly criticized the tourism industry.These scientists say the travel industry often fails to understand that thousands of people visiting an area can greatly harm the environment.Environmental experts say people who visit an area are sometimes careless in their actions.
The leave food,paper,and bottles behind.They harm plants,animal or objects important to a local culture.
The experts say people on holiday often do not understand the damage they can cause.In some cases the experts say ecotourism is killing animals and destroying the environmeng.They say it is destroying the very thing it is seeking to develop and protect.

Ecotourism is becoming one of the most popular choice in the vacation industry for people are not admiring the beauty of the nature but learning about the culture and history of the areas.Recently,many traveling agnecies have provided various desintation such as Costa Rica,Hawaii,Mexico,Australia,Mexico,the islands in the Caribbean,the Mediterranean and so on.As a matter of factm ecotourism does not only provide economic advantages to those places,but promote the protection of natural environment as well.An example of such is the whale-watching trip we had in Bar Harbor,Maine.On the other hand,many experts have claimed that ecotourism subconsciously brings much harm to the environment to the point that the it is destroying everything that is under its protection.
(I don"t know if this is under 180 words,but here you go,I hope this will help.=D )


(四) 生态旅游的社会生态价值链。大自然是一切科学发展的泉源,提供科学研究的环境。无论是生物科学、自然科学、或是工程科学都可从自然中找出法则。同时,旅游资源提供了社会学、历史学、考古学等人文学科的研究场所。
(五) 生态旅游的经济影响体现为三个方面:直接、间接和交叉影响。直接影响反映在单个旅游者会由于生态旅游环境和行为支出增加,而间接影响体现为提高其它的旅游消费行为,交叉影响是生态旅游带来的诸如"口碑效应"等潜在影响。生态旅游具有的可持续发展观能够不断地促进区域的经济活动,通过经济利益的再分配过程可以使社会分工达到合理化,扩大社会就业机会。生态旅游构筑的价值链不仅仅是现实经济意义上的,也是潜在的,长期的。

(四) 生态旅游的社会生态价值链.大自然是一切科学发展的泉源,提供科学研究的环境.无论是生物科学、自然科学、或是工程科学都可从自然中找出法则.同时,旅游资源提供了社会学、历史学、考古学等人文学科的研究场所.
4.The social ecological value chain of ecotourism. Nature is the source for the development of all scientific fields, and provides the environment for scientific research. No matter it is biological science, natural science, or engineering science they all can find rules from nature. In the same time tourism rssources provide humanities, such as sociology, history, and archaeology with the research places.
(五) 生态旅游的经济影响体现为三个方面:
5. The economical effects of ecotourism are reflected in three aspects:直接、间接和交叉影响.direct, indirect, and cross effects.直接影响反映在单个旅游者会由于生态旅游环境和行为支出增加,而间接影响体现为提高其它的旅游消费行为,交叉影响是生态旅游带来的诸如"口碑效应"等潜在影响.The direct effects are reflected in the increase of expenditure of individuals due to ecotourism environment and behavior, while the indirect effects are reflected in the enhancement of other tourism consumption behavior, the cross effects are the potential ones, such as so called"effects of public praise", brought by ecotourism. 生态旅游具有的可持续发展观能够不断地促进区域的经济活动,通过经济利益的再分配过程可以使社会分工达到合理化,扩大社会就业机会.生态旅游构筑的价值链不仅仅是现实经济意义上的,也是潜在的,长期的.The sustainable development the ecotourism owns can continuously promote the regional economic activities, realize the rationality of social division through the re-distribution process of economic interests, thereby expanding the opportunities of social employment. The value chain built up by ecotourism is not only reflected in practical economy, but also in potential and long-term significance.



中文名称:生态旅游 英文名称:ecological tourism;ecotourism 定义:以吸收自然和文化知识为取向,尽量减少对生态环境的不利影响,确保旅游资源的可持续利用,将生态环境保护与公众教育同促进地方经济社会发展有机结合的旅游活动.



Tourism involving travel to areas of natural or ecological interest,typically under the guidance of a naturalist,for the purpose of observing wildlife and learning about the environment.


ecotourism has also become popular among people interested in both environmental conservation and sustainable development

among people (who are)interested in both environmental conservation and sustainable development
ecotourism has also become popular
后面由一个定于从句修饰the people


The Residents’ Willingness and Participation Way with Community-Based Ecotourism of Ecological Community

Study on Willingness and Approaches as for Eco-community Residents to Participate Community-based Eco-tourism



“生态旅游”这一术语,最早由世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)于1983年首先提出,1993年国际生态旅游协会把其定义为:具有保护自然环境和维护当地人民生活双重责任的旅游活动.生态旅游的内涵更强调的是对自然景观的保护,是可持续发展的旅游.含义  传统旅游所表现出的问题促使人们对其进行进一步的思考,是坚持还是摒弃?生态旅游一经提出,立即得到了世界范围内的响应.生态旅游(Ecotourism)是由国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)特别顾问谢贝洛斯·拉斯喀瑞于1983年首次提出.十几年来,生态旅游的发展无疑是成功的,平均年增长率为20%,是旅游产品中增长最快的部分.但到目前为止,生态旅游尚无明确定义,但是人们的看法是相当一致的.一是生态旅游首先要保护旅游资源,生态旅游是一种可持续的旅游.  二是在生态旅游过程中身心得以解脱,并促进生态意识的提高.生态旅游的特征   (1) 生态旅游的目的地是一些保护完整的自然和文化生态系统,参与者能够获得与众不同的经历,这种经历具有原始性、独特性的特点.  (2) 生态旅游强调旅游规模的小型化,限定在承受能力范围之内,这样有利于游人的观光质量,又不会对旅游造成大的破坏.  (3) 生态旅游可以让旅游者亲自参与其中,在实际体验中领会生态旅游的奥秘,从而更加热爱自然,这也有利于自然与文化资源的保护.  (4) 生态旅游是一种负责任的旅游,这些责任包括对旅游资源的保护责任,对旅游的可持续发展的责任等.由于生态旅游自身的这些特征能满足旅游需求和旅游供给的需要,从而使生态旅游兴起成为可能.要求   生态旅游发展的终极目标是可持续,“可持续发展”是判断生态旅游的决定性标准,这在国内外的旅游研究者中均已经达成了共识.按照可持续发展的含义,生态旅游的可持续发展可以概括为,以可持续发展的理论和方式管理生态旅游资源,保证生态旅游地的经济、社会、生态效益的可持续发展,在满足当代人开展生态旅游的同时,不影响后代人满足其对生态旅游需要的能力,具体而言,生态旅游可持续发展主要包括以下几方面的含义与要求:一是生态旅游的可持续发展表现为维护自然生态的可持续发展.



With the on-going development of the tourist industry, the tourism environment and resources have continued to be destroyed in some regions. The sustainable development of tourism has become an important issue confronting all countries. In this context, eco-tourism, a form of sustainable tourism that is regarded as the primary and inevitable option for sustainable development of tourism, has received worldwide attention and made rapid progress. Citing the city of Zhaoqing as an example and based on substantial documents and some on-site surveys, this paper contains an in-depth examination of the significance and strengths of developing eco-tourism in Zhaoqing in light of the developments of this industry in China and abroad as well as the practicalities of the city, with a view to finding a correct development strategy for the development of eco-tourism in the city. The paper is focused on the conceptualization and future development of the city"s eco-tourism in order to contribute ideas and advice to promote its development and lead it onto a path of healthy tourism development.


the Ecological Crisis on the Booming Tourism

Tourism,as one of the promising industries in the 21st century,provides people with opportunities to get to know nature and enjoy an ideal environment.It has become a modern lifestyle for many people.It also promotes the development of the economy.
But as the saying goes “Every coin has two sides”,many problems have occurre because of the booming and the tourism.Rivers and lakes are polluted,trees cut down,and wild animals disappeared,and the lives of local people have been disturbed.Many of the lovely natural scenes have been destroyed through carelessness.This destruction has led to the ecological crises.
Do all these facts seem too far away and unimaginable to you?The answer is absolutely not.I will share my own experience to make it clear.I took a trip to Sanya in Hainan province when I was a
Sophomore,I was deeply attracted by the special tropical scene before I arrived there.But I was rather shocked by what I saw.The people had moved into modern houses built by the government,for the government planed to expand more tourist places.Their traditional customs and the lifestyle were fading.So I thought it made no sense to make such a trip.Was this one of the aspects the development of tourism impacts on the environment?Do you still think the destruction of the environment is far from us?All these facts should make us take action to protect our environment.
So the emergency of ecotourism has appeared.Ecotourism,considered as a special product of achieving tourism is becoming widely accepted around the world.What we can do is to explore and make use of our natural resources rationally.With the advancement of science and technology,we will learn how to be in harmony with nature.Furthermore,the reinforcement of ecology education plays an important role in environment protection.In this way,we not only prevent the deterioration of environment but also cultivate people’s correct view of nature.


以Tourism and Ecology为题的英语演讲稿,三分钟左右即可,最好不要使用特别复杂的单词

Tourism, as one of the promising industries in the 21st century, provides people with opportunities to get to know nature and enjoy an ideal environment. It has become a modern lifestyle for many people. It also promotes the development of the economy.
But as the saying goes “Every coin has two sides”, many problems have occurre because of the booming and the tourism. Rivers and lakes are polluted, trees cut down, and wild animals disappeared, and the lives of local people have been disturbed. Many of the lovely natural scenes have been destroyed through carelessness. This destruction has led to the ecological crises.
Do all these facts seem too far away and unimaginable to you? The answer is absolutely not. I will share my own experience to make it clear. I took a trip to Sanya in Hainan province when I was a
Sophomore, I was deeply attracted by the special tropical scene before I arrived there. But I was rather shocked by what I saw. The people had moved into modern houses built by the government, for the government planed to expand more tourist places. Their traditional customs and the lifestyle were fading. So I thought it made no sense to make such a trip. Was this one of the aspects the development of tourism impacts on the environment? Do you still think the destruction of the environment is far from us? All these facts should make us take action to protect our environment.
So the emergency of ecotourism has appeared. Ecotourism, considered as a special product of achieving tourism is becoming widely accepted around the world. What we can do is to explore and make use of our natural resources rationally. With the advancement of science and technology, we will learn how to be in harmony with nature. Furthermore, the reinforcement of ecology education plays an important role in environment protection. In this way, we not only prevent the deterioration of environment but also cultivate people’s correct view of nature.






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