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来源:英语名言 时间:2018-11-15 点击: 推荐访问:proposal格式 论文proposal怎么写




The procedure or the methodology is the heart of the proposal because it must tell the reader how you propose to carry out your project.It must convince your advisor (or in industry your manager or potential client) that you clearly understand your task,have a logical time plan for solving your problems,and have identified all the resources you need.
If your proposal is for an IQP,you must take special care to explain HOW you plan to relate some aspect of science or technology to society.Note that "technology" need not be defined narrowly here:"technology" can mean the techniques used to manage or evaluate any resource efficiently,not just "nuts and bolts" hardware.But you must explain clearly how your procedure insures that the WPI IQP degree requirement will be satisfied by completing a project which defines,investigates,and reports on a topic relating science or technology to a social need or issue.In short,why is your topic an IQP?
Some of the other questions the reader will expect you to answer in this section are:
1.What are the tasks and sub-tasks identified to achieve your objectives?
2.What materials will you need to carry out your project:equipment?computer support?typing?graphics?others?
3.What data are needed for the project and how will they be collected?If the project requires a survey or interviews,the design of this instrument (especially the selection of participants) must be explained and justified.
4.What method or process will be used to analyze this data and where else (if anywhere) has this method or process been used?
5.What time frame do you think you will need to accomplish identified tasks or subtasks?Should schedules be presented in standard forms like PERT or Task Charts?(see Figures 1 and 2.)
6.If you are working on a team,which teammates will accomplish which sections?
7.What costs do you anticipate the project will incur -- in other words,your budget?(A Budget Summary Request Form must be submitted to the Interdisciplinary Studies Division Office as shown in Appendix 1 for IQP Proposals.A Budget summary for an MQP Proposal should be submitted to the individual department.)





今天考bec作文格式写错了 本来是proposal 结果写成一般书信了



请高手帮写一篇Business proposal范文!

[Street Address]
[City,ST ZIP Code]
July 29,2009
[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City,ST ZIP Code]
Dear [Recipient Name]:
As a long-time admirer of the outstanding work that your organization has done in the community,I particularly enjoyed having the opportunity to see how you function from the inside.As you indicated during our meeting,our neighborhood group has grown to a point where it needs to dramatically enhance its accounting function so that it can continue to serve effectively.
This correspondence outlines the complete scope of work you requested,including objectives,procedures,identification of responsibilities,and estimated fees.
Implement the Model 60 accounting system on the network.Install the Model 60 software,including implementation and setup,training,conversion assistance,and post-conversion support of the library master,general ledger,accounts payable,and import master modules.Provide professional assistance related to this new system and coordinate the bridge to and from the Trey Research and Contoso, of this project is dependent not only on the software,but also on your personnel"s skill,effort,and willingness to work as a team.
a.Assist in planning implementation of the Model 60 accounting system.
b.Recommend steps required to successfully install the new system and assist in assembling setup information and accounting data used in the implementation process.
c.Establish specifications for the bridge from the Trey Research software to capture cash receipt information.(Note:Trey Research software has a "general ledger distribution" file that contains information that can be bridged in detail or summary format.The interface (export file) will be written by Trey Research staff.)
d.Establish specifications for the bridge from the Contoso, to bridge payment schedules for grants issued.(Note:Contoso,Ltd.has a standard bridge but requires minor modification.The interface will be modified by Contoso,Ltd.staff.)
e.Write the bridge to receive (import) the information into the Model 60 software.
2.Training and Testing
a.Work with you and your staff during installation and implementation to help you gain a general understanding of the system.
b.Train in the areas of transaction entry and posting,monthly and year-end reporting procedures,monthly and year-end closing procedures,and periodic back-up procedures.
c.Upon completion,system test Model 60 to assure that it is functioning as intended and producing accurate financial reports based on your input.
3.Conversion and Post-Conversion Support
a.Assist in planning and assembling data for the conversion to Model 60,as required.(Note:Data entry assistance is $30 per hour.This cost is not included in our estimate.)
b.Provide free telephone support for 30 days after conversion.Subsequent charges for support calls are billed in 10-minute units at $12.50 per unit.
Support calls are invoiced weekly.Fees are subject to change annually,effective January 1 of each year,based upon 30-day notice.
This project demands significant involvement by your accounting personnel.Ultimate success is highly dependent on their effort.To help achieve a smooth and successful implementation,it will be your responsibility to perform the following:
1.Assemble an up-to-date trial balance for all accounts as of the conversion date.
2.Compile a complete list of all vendors/grants payable,including amounts outstanding (by invoice),addresses,phone numbers,vendor terms,vendor classes (if any),and other necessary vendor/grant information.Total amounts outstanding on the vendor listing should agree with total accounts payable from trial balance.
3.Create a complete list of existing endowments with balances as of the conversion date.
4.Include a copy of the financial statements formats desired by the organization for the balance sheet,income statement,and other financial reports.
When the project is complete,our neighborhood group will have successfully converted to the Model 60 integrated accounting system.Benefits include timely,accurate accounting data,ease of data entry,and flexible reporting with a bridge to your gift and donor software.
Software costs and fee estimates are summarized on the attached schedule.These fees are effective provided (a) your accounting records are in good order,and (b) a staff member can devote full time to the implementation process.Fees will be adjusted to actual accordingly.We will not incur additional hours without written prior approval.Our fee does not include modifications to the Model 60 software.
Our terms are 50% deposit on software costs before we begin.The balance for software costs is due upon installation (actual loading of the software).Our professional fees are billed weekly.
We appreciate the opportunity to service your computer software needs.If you want to accept this proposal,please sign one copy and return it with a 50% deposit of the software costs.
[Your Name]
--------------------- Find the DOC version here ----------



Your suggestion is very good. Because they are your customers for many years, I want to know something about this small meeting of marketing department as follow:
First, what help and service can we provide?
Second, if it"s telecom, what"s the probable level and how many people would attend?
Third, if there are also other industries, which industries would be? So we can better position and make a good plan for the activity.【proposal怎么写】


Speculative proposal for an expanding structure ...这里的“Speculative proposal”怎么理解?
Speculative proposal for an expanding/contracting structure servicing trailers/caravans,designed for a society with a 2-3 day working week.
Speculative proposal for an expanding/contracting structure servicing trailers/caravans,designed for a society with a 2-3 day working week.- regulating struct[ure] cage
- Pneumatic enclosures
- Mobile appliance & service plant
- Movement systems – carveyor,moving pavements,legs
- Connect to “plug-in”
1.这里的“Speculative proposal”怎么理解?
2.这里的"Pneumatic enclosures"怎么理解?

Pneumatic enclosures理解为气动装置附件



(1) in charge of project information collection,analysis,strategy plan,proposal making;
(2) the responsible for customer advertising planning,program of activities;
(3) writing a news release,the soft copy;



I agree to the proposal it for the following reasons


在Business Proposal 中,Executive Summary是什么意思呢?

就是 "摘要"
在写REPORT 或什么PROPOSAL 时,一般都要这个Executive Summary.
因为以后写这个的话,都是要给上级或者BOSS看的,但是他们没有很多时间去看那么多页,所以你要在这个SUMMARY 里,把主要问题,主题写出来





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